
The high price of materialism

The good life is not the same as a life filled with goods. Wellbeing and materialism don’t fit together. (Animation, 5 minutes).

Michael Edwards
29 April 2014

In this short animation produced by the Center for a New American Dream, psychologist Tim Kasser discusses how a culture of consumerism undermines well-being. When people buy into the ever-present marketing messages that "the good life" is "the goods life," they not only use up the Earth's limited resources, but they're also less happy and less inclined toward helping others.

The animation lays out the problems of excess materialism and points toward solutions that promise a healthier, more just, and more sustainable life.

 To learn more about the relationship between materialism and well-being, read this interview with Tim Kasser: "Consumerism, Values, and What Really Matters."

For a list of sources for the studies referenced in this animation, click here.

The High Price of Materialism is also available in French and German.

To visit the Center for a New American Dream website, click here.

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