Lizards Don’t Eat Cheese: Vintage Cuban Book Covers

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These book covers originally appeared as part of a "centerfold" in Gratuitous Type, "the pamphlet of typographic smut." Gratuitous Type publisher Elana Schlenker donated her photos now that the issue is out-of-print (buy issue 2 while it's available).

Elana was originally turned on to Cuban cover design during a visit to Cuba several years ago. She later researched and photographed a number of book covers designed and published there in the sixties and seventies. She noted that the majority of the books are screenprinted.

Previously: Cuban film posters by Eduardo Muñoz Bachs

Y un día el sol es juez (And One Day the Sun is Judge)
design by Godfredo Granados, 1976

El fabulista (The Fablist)
design by Raúl Martínez, 1973

Punto de partida (Point of Departure), 1970

El astillero (The Shipyard), 1968

La sangre (Blood), 1978

Turcious Lima, design by Alfrédo Gonzalez Rostgaard, 1969

Recopilación de textos sobre Juan Marinello (Compilation of Texts on Juan Marinello)
design by Umberto Peña, 1979

Catalogo de imprevistos (Catalog of the Unexpected)
design by Raúl Martínez, 1963

Los lagartos no comen queso (Lizards Don’t Eat Cheese)
design by Darío Mora, 1975

La vorágine (The Vortex), 1966

Del barrio y las voces (On the Neighborhood and the Voices)
design by Jacques Brouté, 1968

De los años de siembra (From the years of the harvest)
design by Darío Mora, 1977

Ensayos (Practices), 1972

La busqueda (The Search)
design by Tony Évora, 1962

El crac del 29 (The financial crash of 1929)
design by Oscar Hernández, 1969

La pata de Palo (The Foot of Palo)
design by Umberto Peña, 1967

Versiones (Versions), design by Darío Mora, 1970

Muestrario del mundo o libro de las maravillas de Boloña
(Samples of the World or Book of the Wonders of Boloña), 1969

El barrio de las ranas alegres (The Neighborhood of Happy Frogs)
design by Darío Mora, 1969

La odilea (A satire of Homer’s Odyssey, Odisea in Spanish)
design by Jacques Brouté, 1968


El fin del caos llega quietamente
design by Darío Mora, 1971

Para matar al lobo
design by Raúl Martínez, 1971

El octavo dia, 1964

Previously: Cuban film posters by Eduardo Muñoz Bachs

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