
December 2010

Updated Theses on WikiLeaks

Updated Theses on WikiLeaks

Twelve Theses on Wikileaks | by Geert Lovink and Patrice Riemens

Le Monde Diplomatique

These 3: In the ongoing saga termed "The Decline of the US Empire," Wikileaks enters the stage as the slayer of a soft target.

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Gamer-Penned Walkthroughs

Gamer-Penned Walkthroughs

Pikmin, Nintendo, 2001 by Daniel Ashton and James Newman Videogame walkthroughs provide instructions on various elements of gameplay in relation to specific digital games, and exist as text-based documents and, to a lesser extent, as recorded moving image game footage. We focus here on written-walkthroughs for the purposes of...

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Toads in the Gorge

Toads in the Gorge

From Guernica: Kim Howell is a white-haired giant who wears Kissinger glasses that magnify his eyes. He was born in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, and paid for a degree in vertebrate zoology at Cornell University by working at the school’s Library of Natural Sound. Howell preserved archival recordings of birdcalls collected...

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Shakespeare, neither simply English nor British

Shakespeare, neither simply English nor British

by Willy Maley and Margaret Tudeau-Clayton Minds across the globe will automatically couple Shakespeare and England as they will Coca Cola and the USA. Yet it was with Britain that Shakespeare was first joined by another writer. The prefatory poem to the consecrating, expensive edition of the first folio of...

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Martin Gilman has déjà vu all over again…

Martin Gilman has déjà vu all over again…

by Martin Gilman From my perch in Moscow, the inimitable words of Yogi Berra come to mind as I watch the economic turmoil in Ireland and the contagion effects on others that constitute the soft underside of the eurozone currency area. The sense of déjà vu is palpable.  No,...

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In the transport business

In the transport business

Field Guides, Fred Tomaselli, 2003 From The Paris Review: A fledgling installation artist in California, Tomaselli schooled himself in late twentieth-century America’s far-out utopian and dystopian fireworks, ingesting influences from surfboard and car culture, finish-fetish art, Chris Burden and his conceptual noodlings, the light and space trickery of Robert...

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Michael Light in conversation with Lawrence Weschler

The Believer

"Los Angeles functions for me as a kind of holy template. It is postwar America..."

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“I realized it was their own mother they were seeing”

“I realized it was their own mother they were seeing”

Rachel/Monique, 2010. © ADAGP, 2010. Courtesy of Emmanuel Perrotin From Art in America: PFEIFFER:  You have produced numerous pieces and shows about your mother. Why did you decide to work on her again? CALLE: Because I realized that she had traveled through my work everywhere except New York and...

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Fathers on Wax

Fathers on Wax

From The New York Times: In the summer of 1978, when he was 9 years old and growing up in the Marcy housing projects in Brooklyn, Shawn Carter — a k a Jay-Z — saw a circle of people gathered around a kid named Slate, who was “rhyming, throwing...

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