
April 2016

Marianne Moore was a passionate reviser…

Marianne Moore was a passionate reviser…

From The Nation: Moore was born near St. Louis, Missouri, in 1887. Her parents separated before her birth, and subsequently her father, already institutionalized, severed his hand, taking literally the injunction of Matthew 5:30 (“If thy right hand offend thee, cut it off”). To her mother and her brother Warner,...

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Ed Simon: VCR Text

Ed Simon: VCR Text

It would be easy for conservative “culture wars” diatribes to be penned by an artificial intelligence. One imagines that it wouldn’t be too hard to come up with a rough outline of how the standard literary-critical jeremiad is composed, and to develop the software necessary to replicate it.

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Eric Linus Kaplan: VHS

Eric Linus Kaplan: VHS

A friend of mine who used to work in the largest video store in Michigan recently confessed to feeling blue at the disappearance of VHS and its replacement by streaming services.

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C.D. Wright—she was a force. I felt her force as soon as my future husband at the time gave me a copy of Cooling Time

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Joel Gn on Jeff Nunokawa

Joel Gn on Jeff Nunokawa

by Joel Gn Note Book, by Jeff Nunokawa, Princeton University Press, 360pp. Reading aphorisms can prove to be an arduous, if not dangerous undertaking. Enigmatic, indifferent and occasionally, a little too precarious, these vignettes adroitly traverse and inhabit a myriad of texts, people and places. We can never be...

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Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei: Feverish Lake Park

Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei: Feverish Lake Park

During his election campaign in 2015, pathological lier – excuse me, “socialist” crown prince and Mayor of Tirana – Erion Veliaj promised that he would put an end to the “betonization” of Tirana

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The bread, the wine…

The bread, the wine…

The lapse in marital fidelity in ‘Online’ is one of the many instances of complicated relationships in the book, in which most are strained or not quite realised.

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How to Write a Berfrois Post

How to Write a Berfrois Post

There is a satirical story by Edgar Allan Poe, called “How to Write a Blackwood Article”, in which the editor of the notorious Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine reveals to an ambitious young journalist

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